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What Happens if I Install Jessie Again Will Overwrite

In that location is a new version of this tutorial bachelor for Debian 10 (Buster).

How to upgrade Debian Wheezy to Jessie safely

This tutorial explains the upgrade procedure to upgrade Debian from Wheezy to Jessie in a few elementary steps.

Earlier you get-go with the upgrade, backup all critical information. Thats particularly the config data in the /etc directory and the user information in /dwelling. When y'all run a server and then you lot should include the databases (MySQL, Postgresql, etc), spider web and email data in the fill-in likewise. The backup should be stored on a external harddisk, on an external server eastward.g. by FTP or on a cloud drive. Here are a few examples on how to create backups with tar.

Backup the configuration and data

Configuration files in the /etc directory.

tar -pczf etc.tar.gz /etc

Backup of the /var/www website directory.

                tar -pczf www.tar.gz /var/www              

Backup of the /dwelling house directories.

                tar -pczf home.tar.gz /dwelling              

For ISPConfig three users: Fill-in of your e-mail server files.

                tar -pczf vmail.tar.gz /var/vmail              

Backup MySQL databases

mysqldump --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf -cCeQ --hex-hulk --quote-names --routines --events --triggers --all-databases -r all_databases.sql

Then move the tar.gz and .sql files for safe storage on a backup drive.

Check the apt sources.list file

We will install all available Wheezy updates first before nosotros upgrade to Jessie. On some systems the package source is defined as "stable" in the sources.list file instead of "wheezy" or "jessie". To avoid an accidential early upgrade to Jessie, please check the sources.listing now and ensure that it contains "wheezy" and not "stable" as source:

Apply a commandline editor like nano or half-dozen to open/etc/apt/sources.list, the lines should be similar to the ones below:

nano /etc/apt/sources.list
deb wheezy main contrib non-free
deb-src wheezy principal contrib not-free
deb wheezy-updates main contrib not-gratis
deb wheezy/updates primary contrib non-complimentary

Your country code is almost likely not "de", you lot should use the code of your country hither. Using your land code in the file will speed up the package download.

Update the packages for Wheezy

The post-obit commands volition install all pending Wheezy updates. This ensures that your system is in a adept shape for the update to Jessie.

apt-go update

Prepare for offset upgrade:

apt-go upgrade

Follow this with:

apt-go dist-upgrade

Cheque the package land to ensure that no packages are on hold or in half installed land

This test is of import, we will check the package state to ensure that no packages are on concur or in half installed state. Your system and apt database must be in a good shape before we proceed with the dist upgrade. If in that location are whatsoever broken or "on concord" packages, then fix these issues earlier the upgrade.

Check that no packages are on hold by querying the package database with the dpkg control:

dpkg --audit
dpkg --get-selections | grep agree

When both commands did not return any packages, so proceed with the upgrade.

Update the sources.list for Jessie

Edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file once again:

nano /etc/apt/sources.list

and replace its content with the following lines:

deb jessie primary contrib not-free
deb-src jessie main contrib not-gratuitous

deb jessie-updates chief contrib not-costless deb-src jessie-updates main contrib non-free

deb jessie/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src jessie/updates main contrib non-free

Choose your nearest locale by replacing "de" with e.g. "u.s.a." or your country code. And then save the file and run the following command to update the sources database:

apt-get update

Jessie Upgrade in two steps

It is recommended to do the upgrade in two steps, commencement run "apt-become upgrade" to install the base packages and then run "apt-become dist-upgrade" to do the actual distribution upgrade,

Starting time with the update by running this command:

apt-go upgrade

Next we volition do the distribution upgrade by running:

apt-get dist-upgrade

A reboot is required to terminate the upgrade and load the new kernel:


Check the update

To check which Debian version is currently installed on the system, accept a look at the file /etc/bone-release.

cat /etc/os-release

The outcome on an Debian Jessie organization is:

  • Debian:

Suggested manufactures
