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Why Is Bofa Deez Nuts Funny

The 2016 presidential race has already had its share of crazy developments — the most momentous of which has been Donald Trump reaching the top of the Republican field and staying there for weeks. Only this month saw another not-very-serious candidate get surprisingly strong poll results.

Co-ordinate to Federal Election Committee filings, Deez Nuts lives in Iowa and is running for president equally an contained. And polls show him getting at to the lowest degree 7 percent of the vote in Minnesota, Iowa, and North Carolina.

Nuts, of class, isn't a real person. Merely a real polling firm has been including him in existent polls. And the results tell us something nearly the land of the presidential race — and Trump'south prospects for winning the presidency.

Who is Deez Nuts?

People accept been using "deez basics" equally a vulgar slang term at least since information technology was used in a 1992 hip-hop song. But use of the term soared in March 2015. That's when a video of internet personality welvendagreat saying "deez nuts" into a cellphone and laughing uproariously was posted on YouTube. The video went viral, racking up 17 1000000 views and spawning an net catchphrase. Google searches for the term "deez nuts" skyrocketed:

Google Trends

Then 15-twelvemonth-old Iowan Brady Olson had the kind of idea you lot'd expect a 15-yr-former to accept: He decided to launch a Deez Nuts for president campaign. He filed FEC form two, the official form for launching a presidential campaign, and entered fictional information well-nigh the candidate. Mr. Nuts supposedly lives at 2248 450th Artery, in Wallingford, Iowa. He's running as an contained.

For the showtime week after this filing, the Deez Nuts for president campaign didn't get much attention. Merely then the campaign defenseless the attention of the polling firm Public Policy Polling.

"It started considering somebody emailed u.s.a. under the name Deez Nuts," PPP's Jim Williams told the Daily Creature. "He said, 'I'm Deez Basics. I'm running. Hither's my filing statement. Would you poll me?'"

PPP said yes.

Where does Deez Nuts stand in the polls?

Then far, the polling firm has tested Nuts'due south support in three states. On August four, Nuts got viii percent of the vote in Minnesota, in a three-way matchup with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. A few days later he did almost as well in the crucial early on-caucus state of Iowa, where he got 7 percent in the same iii-way matchup. Then on Midweek Basics got his all-time result withal: nine percent in Northward Carolina.

Beyond these top-line numbers, PPP has released a wealth of information about the extent and limits of Basics'southward support. Every bit you lot'd wait for an imaginary candidate, Nuts is relatively unknown among voters: 89 percent of Minnesota respondents said they'd never heard of him. Of the xi percent who had, eight per centum had a negative opinion of him and 3 percent viewed him positively.

Basics is viewed more favorably on the left than the correct — 7 percentage of "very liberal" voters viewed him favorably, compared with 6 percentage who viewed him unfavorably. By contrast, 96 percent of "very conservative" voters in Minnesota said they'd never heard of Nuts, and the rest were overwhelmingly unfavorable.

Basics attracted the strongest support from voters nether 30 — xi percent of young Minnesotans said they'd dorsum him over Clinton and Trump. Amidst voters over 65, just seven percent backed Nuts. Basics appeared to draw equally from both parties; he won support from 7 per centum of those who voted for Barack Obama in 2012, compared with 8 percentage of Romney voters.

Why would a existent polling agency poll a false candidate?

The determination isn't out of character for the firm, which is known for including joke questions alongside serious ones in its polls.

In 2011, PPP determined that God enjoyed a 52 pct approval rating, compared with ix percent who disapproved. People approved of God'southward handling of natural disasters by a l-to-13 ratio, with women rating God more than favorably than men.

The same year, nosotros learned that simply 19 percent of Republican master voters predicted that "Barack Obama would be taken up to Heaven in the Rapture," compared with 44 per centum who thought he would non. Unsurprisingly, Republicans gave Sarah Palin a better shot: 51 percent thought Palin would be among the elect, while 13 percent predicted she'd go stuck downwardly here with the sinners during the tribulation.

In 2013, PPP revealed that just 16 percent of Americans had a favorable opinion of hipsters, compared with 42 percent who have an unfavorable opinion. Forty-half dozen pct of respondents said that hipsters "soullessly appropriate cultural tropes from the by for their own ironic amusement," and 27 per centum favored imposing a revenue enhancement on hipsters for "being and then annoying."

In short, PPP loves asking joke questions. Evidently the pollsters believe trolling the public is a good way to drum up involvement in their more serious polling efforts.

PPP's joke polls are pretty funny. Are their serious polls any skilful?

PPP is one of the most prolific Democratic-leaning polling outfits in America, and its results are widely cited in the media. However, in that location has been some criticism of its methodology. Probably the most thorough was a 2013 critique by the New Commonwealth's Nate Cohn, who argued that PPP'southward methodology had some serious problems.

Specifically, Cohn argued that PPP adjusts the demographic weighting of its polls in ad hoc and nontransparent ways. Critics suspect they do this to nudge their poll results closer to the average value of other polls. That would make PPP's polls expect meliorate, since they'd be less likely to make a big error that would stand out from other polling firms. But information technology would also be misleading readers, who expect pollsters results to be contained of the results of other firms.

To be articulate, in that location's no proof that PPP has done this. When pressed on the result, PPP has been noncommittal.

What does Nuts's seven to 9 percentage support say almost the presidential race?

The main lesson is that it's a mistake to read too much into polls — especially polls this far in advance of an election. Hither are 3 means to interpret the surprisingly high name recognition and back up for an imaginary candidate:

  • Most voters are not political junkies. They are not following every twist and turn of a political race, and many don't even start paying attention to who the candidates are until a few weeks earlier the vote. Yet people too don't want to look ignorant. So when a pollster asks them near a candidate they haven't heard of, they may selection an answer at random rather than admitting they're not familiar with the candidate.
  • Voters may also have viewed Basics as a generic protest candidate. While Nuts isn't widely known, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are ii of the most famous personalities in American politics. So a voter who doesn't similar either Trump or Clinton might be inclined to choose a tertiary candidate they've never heard of equally a style of signaling their disgust with the major-party options.
  • "Deez Nuts" is funny. Poll respondents may take recognized that "Deez Nuts" was a joke candidate and decided to play forth. The fact that Nuts enjoyed the strongest support among younger voters — who are probable to be both familiar with internet memes and entertained past a vulgar joke — suggests that many voters merely thought information technology would be funny to say they supported Deez Nuts.

Of form, all three of these observations could also utilise to the candidacy of Republican frontrunner Donald Trump. Voters who oasis't been paying attention to politics might exist choosing Trump because the reality evidence star is the merely name they're familiar with. They might be choosing Trump to point their disgust with mainstream Republican candidates. And some voters might choose Trump's name because a race with Donald Trump equally the frontrunner is funnier than a race in which a existent politician leads the pack.

Of grade, when the real election arrives adjacent year, Nuts would be unlikely to get 7 pct of the vote even if he were on the ballot. As the election gets closer, voters practise start to pay attention and grade an opinion almost which of the major-party candidates would brand a better president. And so we should take Nuts'southward credible back up with a huge grain of salt. And we should practise skepticism nearly Trump'southward credible lead also.
