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Why Did the Connection Between Voldemort and Harry Open Again

2007 Schools Wikipedia Selection. Related subjects: Films

Harry Potter character
Lord Voldemort
Ralph Fiennes as Lord Voldemort, in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Burn.
Lord Voldemort
Gender Male
Hair colour None
Center colour Red
House Slytherin
Parentage Half-blood
Allegiance Himself
Moving-picture show portrayer Ian Hart [HP1]
Richard Bremmer (voice) [HP1]
Christian Coulson (Tom Marvolo Riddle) [HP2]
Ralph Fiennes [HP4] [HP5]
First appearance Harry Potter and the Philosopher'southward Stone

Lord Voldemort is the fictional curvation-villain of the Harry Potter series. He is a Night wizard aptitude on securing unmatched power and achieving immortality through the practice of the Nighttime Arts. The name "Voldemort", roughly translated, means "flight of decease" in Latin, French and Catalan, or "steal expiry" in French.

Voldemort is and so feared in the Wizarding world that his proper noun is considered to be ineffable. Most characters in the novels refer to him as "You lot-Know-Who" or "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" rather than saying his name aloud; although the protagonist, Harry Potter, who was not conditioned to fear his proper name, speaks the name freely except when attempting to be sensitive to others' fears. Some other young characters, like Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley, afterward some hesitancy, begin to follow Harry'south pb; Remus Lupin, Sirius Blackness and Albus Dumbledore never hesitate to speak his proper noun. Over again others, such equally Rubeus Hagrid and Minerva McGonagall have at to the lowest degree once spoken the name, when urged to by others. His followers, the Death Eaters, do non use his proper name but instead refer to him as the "Nighttime Lord", and address him as "My Lord" or "Principal". Most in the Wizarding world flinch or protestation when they hear his name spoken openly. The Expiry Eaters also have criminal offense when others refer to their principal in his ineffable name.

Within the series, Voldemort is considered one of the most powerful wizards alive. Information technology has been said that the but wizard he ever feared was Albus Dumbledore, former Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, though Voldemort has repeatedly denied information technology.


Voldemort was born Tom Marvolo Riddle on Dec 31, 1926. "I am Lord Voldemort" is an anagram of "Tom Marvolo Riddle". (See "name and anagram" below.) He began to assume the identity of 'Lord Voldemort' during his latter years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, using the title among his close "friends". More information on him during this period can be found under the article for the Riddle family unit.

Rise to power

Lord Voldemort rose to power in the tardily 1960s or early 1970s; Cornelius Fudge claimed to the Muggle Prime number Government minister in 1996 that the Ministry of Magic had been trying to capture Voldemort 'for near 30 years'. When Voldemort kickoff appeared, he persuaded his followers that his campaign was based upon the idea of "purifying" the Wizarding race by purging people with Muggle claret (notably despite, or perhaps partly considering of, his own " half-blood" heritage), which appealed to some of the sometime Wizarding families. Subsequently he showed more of "his truthful colours" and lost support from some of those old magical families who supported him when they realised that they, as much as Muggles or Muggle-borns, were targets. There have simply been hints at the total horror and violence of his attempt at control. Fear spread as many of Voldemort's followers, the Expiry Eaters, became infamous for using Unforgivable Curses against those who stood confronting them, and through the Dark Marker, used to "mark" a site after committing a murder. Voldemort himself used cruel punishments to ensure that the Death Eaters remained loyal to him.

Prior to his open reemergence, Voldemort briefly resurfaced to contact Dumbledore, then the Hogwarts Headmaster, once more request to teach Defence Against the Nighttime Arts. X or so years had passed since he had left the schoolhouse; thus it was about 1957. Voldemort was actualization much less man, and asked to be called by his assumed title rather than his given name, which Dumbledore would non do. Instead, Dumbledore confronted Voldemort with his actions since leaving Hogwarts. He believed that a wizard with Voldemort's excellent abilities would not repeatedly apply for a teaching job unless he had ulterior motives, and refused to grant Voldemort the job. From that time on, no person has held that mail for more than one consecutive twelvemonth, due, or and so it is said, to a jinx placed upon it past Voldemort. Ironically, this curse has at times worked to Voldemort'due south disadvantage, equally two of the teachers it interfered with, Professor Quirrell and Barty Crouch Jr., were in his service; Quirrell died and Crouch Jr. received the Dementor's Osculation.

Later on being rejected from Hogwarts, Voldemort'south plans became much more aggressive. He used spies, either Decease Eaters or people under the outcome of the Imperius Curse, to infiltrate places of significance, specially the Ministry of Magic. Many Aurors and members of the Order of the Phoenix were murdered while trying to organise resistance against him. Much fright, anarchy and suspicion spread throughout the Wizarding earth; many people were being questioned as to whether they were under the Imperius Expletive, or purposely doing Voldemort's bidding. Many of these victims were set free afterwards it was discovered they were cursed, but it was never entirely articulate whether wizards such as Lucius Malfoy had acted freely or under a curse.

It is unclear thus far in catechism when exactly Voldemort became an open threat known to all, rather than an clandestine conspirator known only to Dumbledore. Ane would non expect Dumbledore to have simply waited for Voldemort to declare himself between 1965 and 1970, several years after Dumbledore had already gained show, through the jinx and his memory research, of Voldemort's ruthlessness. Until the publication of the 7th book, the thing is unlikely to receive further clarification.

Until early 1980, despite efforts by both the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix, Voldemort appeared to be on the verge of victory. It was not until his encounter with James, Lily and Harry Potter that he roughshod from this position of power.


In 1979, Sybill Trelawney, great-great-granddaughter of a famous and gifted Seer, Cassandra Trelawney, entered into a trance in the presence of Dumbledore and uttered a prophecy:

Lord Voldemort

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches ... born to those who accept thrice defied him, born equally the 7th month dies ... and the Nighttime Lord will marking him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not ... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives ... the one with the power to beat the Nighttime Lord will be born as the seventh calendar month dies ...

Lord Voldemort

Two boys were plant to fit the description of the prophecy: Neville Longbottom (born July xxx) and Harry Potter (born July 31). Severus Snape, and then a Decease Eater, overheard part of Trelawney'due south prophecy, but his eavesdropping was interrupted by the barman of the Grunter's Head Inn (Aberforth Dumbledore, Albus Dumbledore'southward brother). Oddly, Snape was not obliviated or neutralised, thus allowing him to pass on the start half of the prophecy to Voldemort; however, he did not manage to hear the second part of the prophecy, then Voldemort missed cardinal details about his future foe. (Trelawney'southward recount, however, may suggest otherwise) Voldemort saw the infant Harry every bit a more likely threat than Neville, even though Neville was a pure-blood (and thus in Voldemort's view a "amend" wizard), while Harry was a one-half-claret like Voldemort himself. He thus "mark[ed] him as his equal". As Dumbledore later explained, it was this human activity of Voldemort's that confirmed Harry as the i to whom the prophecy referred. Also, it was surmised by Dumbledore that Voldemort had considered Harry the one the prophecy referred to considering he was a one-half-blood, like himself, and therefore had seen him as a bigger threat; Voldemort, who is regarded as 1 of the nearly powerful wizards always, nearly likely realised that considering he himself was half-blood, Harry might be just as effective and talented in magic as he was, and to date withal is.

On October 31, 1981, Voldemort arrived at the domicile of James and Lily Potter, prominent members of the Gild of the Phoenix who had defied him three times (equally stated as a status of the prophecy), in Godric'southward Hollow. The Potters knew Voldemort was searching for them, and had gone into hiding past means of the Fidelius Charm, a very powerful enchantment that hides a hush-hush within a unmarried, living soul ("Secret-Keeper"). Originally, family friend Sirius Black was to be the Secret-Keeper, but he switched roles with another, Peter Pettigrew, to try and throw Voldemort off. Pettigrew, all the same, betrayed the Potters and gave Voldemort the cognition of their whereabouts. James Potter was killed in the confrontation, and Lily sacrificed her life attempting to salve her son. This human activity of love granted Harry a charm of protection which Voldemort had not expected, foiling his attempt to murder the baby.

Harry was told by Albus Dumbledore that Voldemort had intended to use Harry'south murder to create a Horcrux. However the Killing Curse backfired on Voldemort due to the protection spell, and the one-year-old Harry survived the attack. The backfired curse left the lightning bolt-shaped scar on Harry's forehead, and created a link between their minds which sometimes allows Harry to detect Voldemort'due south presence and "see" Voldemort's thoughts. Information technology as well gave Harry Voldemort's ability to speak Parseltongue, the linguistic communication of snakes. The backfired expletive caused Voldemort to be reduced to a barely-alive shell of his erstwhile being, and he fled to hide in a wood in Albania. Voldemort simply survived the backfiring of the curse because of the Horcruxes he had already created, protecting portions of his soul in various objects.

The protective charm bestowed on Harry by his mother's cede - importantly, a cede she chose to brand only demand not have made - afforded him a lingering protection against direct attacks by Voldemort. This charm was kept active as long as he had a domicile among Lily'due south claret relatives and simply until he came of age (at 17). For this reason, Dumbledore took the rescued babe Harry and left him in the indifferent and fifty-fifty neglectful intendance of his aunt and uncle, the Muggles Vernon and Petunia Dursley.

The news of Voldemort's downfall spread fast through the wizarding community. Without his personal power to back them upwards, many of his supporters defected or gave themselves up. A few true-blue followers attempted to find him, but were unsuccessful and were caught and sent to Azkaban. The atmosphere of terror that had held sway so long over the wizarding customs (not simply in Britain, but all over the earth - Voldemort had international followers such as Antonin Dolohov and Igor Karkaroff as well) was lifted (though perhaps never truly dispelled). Overnight, Harry Potter became a celebrity, popularly called "The Boy Who Lived".

Years of exile

Voldemort led a shadow life in a forest, where even continued existence was a struggle for him. His only remaining power was the power to occupy the bodies of others, and he ofttimes possessed snakes. Animate being bodies made it difficult for him to perform magic, a crucial obstacle to regaining his strength and restoring his physical grade.

In the early 1990s, Professor Quirinus Quirrell, instructor of Defence Confronting the Dark Arts at Hogwarts, encountered Voldemort in the forests of Albania during his travels. Whether tempted by promises of power or overcome by trickery, Quirrell submitted to the Dark Lord's service and immune Voldemort to possess him. He travelled to London and attempted, with the aid of his new main, to steal the Philosopher'south Stone, which would have immune Voldemort to regain his sometime ability and to become immortal. Voldemort planned on drinking from the Elixir of Life plenty to restore him to a body, in which he would continue to rely on his Horcruxes. Finding that the Stone had been moved from Gringotts to Hogwarts, Voldemort/Quirrell set up well-nigh finding ways to pause through the many layers of security now around the Philosopher's Rock. Voldemort's plans were, however, thwarted by Harry, at present a offset-year pupil at Hogwarts, and Voldemort was forced to flee his host's trunk - Quirrell had failed to kill Harry due to the pain of Harry's touch, and died when Voldemort left his trunk, pitilessly abandoning him. Voldemort returned to hiding, angry that his Decease Eaters had forsaken him, and afraid that he would not be able to detect another wizard to possess. He remained in hiding for two years in Albania.

Lord Voldemort

The Dark Lord lies alone and friendless, abandoned past his followers. His servant has been chained these twelve years. This evening, before midnight ... the Retainer volition break gratis and prepare out to rejoin his Master. The Dark Lord will rise again with his servant'due south aid, greater and more terrible that always he was. This night ... before midnight ... the servant will fix out to rejoin his Master... Sybill Trelawny [HP3]

Lord Voldemort

Luckily for Voldemort, a series of incidents forced Peter Pettigrew, who had betrayed Harry's parents to Voldemort, to go out hiding and to become in search of Voldemort. While seeking his one-time master, he kidnapped Bertha Jorkins, from whom Voldemort learned of Barty Crouch Jr, a Death Eater who had been smuggled out of Azkaban and was privately bars at his father's firm. Using Pettigrew's help, Voldemort created a rudimentary body, corporeal enough to perform magic with. He also formulated a plan to re-create his original physical body, admitting stronger than before, a plan to which the kidnapping of Harry Potter was vital. His programme, or at least the framework, was overheard past Frank Bryce, a Muggle, whom Voldemort so killed. According to Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort and then created his final, sixth Horcrux using the effect of the murder on his soul; as a result, his soul would accept been left ripped into seven distinct sections (although he had committed many, many more murders). The sixth part of the soul was believed by Dumbledore to have been housed in Nagini.

It was later on when Harry and Cedric Diggory entered the graveyard that the Dark Lord was reborn. Pettigrew killed Cedric with Avada Kedavra using Voldemort's wand and tied Harry to the tombstone of Voldemort's father. He then used an aboriginal ritual of Dark Magic to recreate the body he had possessed before his downfall fourteen years before. This process required three key ingredients: "Bone of the father, unknowingly given", "Flesh of the retainer, willingly given" and "Blood of the enemy, forcibly taken". Harry'southward blood formed a part of the process of Voldemort's rebirth, preventing the terrible effects unleashed by his murder attempt in 1981. Many Harry Potter fans, however, suspect that the use of Harry'south blood will eventually evidence to be Voldemort's undoing; when Harry was telling Dumbledore nigh how Voldemort had removed the charm over Harry, Dumbledore had in his eyes a look of triumph, seeming to know something unknown by both the reader and the bulk of magical practitioners (though it has been suggested that since Voldemort figuratively shares Harry'due south blood, and by extension that of Lily Potter, he is magically equivalent to the family of Harry's mother, along with all the relevant ramifications). After being reborn, Voldemort summoned the Death Eaters back to him, and attempted to kill Harry — but Harry escaped the Nighttime Lord yet again (encounter below).

2nd War

The preceedings of the Second War featured the British Ministry of Magic refusing to believe that Lord Voldemort had risen once again. Cornelius Fudge had begun a campaign to discredit both Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore, by playing upon the ambiguities in their statements: Fudge claimed that Dumbledore was a senile onetime fool, and that Harry Potter was an unstable teenager obsessed with attending.

Dumbledore responded by reforming the disbanded Order of the Phoenix, setting upward headquarters in Sirius Black'southward family dwelling house at Number 12, Grimmauld Place, London. He also sent envoys to warn and persuade the giants, and other non-human being magical beings away from Voldemort's side. Unfortunately, some of the giants, Dementors and werewolves had already centrolineal with Voldemort.

Lucius Malfoy, who had returned to Voldemort'southward service, sought to gain influence within the Ministry building by bribes and donations, encouraging Fudge to believe that the existent threat to his potency came from an overly-powerful Dumbledore, non a resurgent Voldemort. Meanwhile Voldemort was waiting and plotting carefully. Only a handful of wizards – the Expiry Eaters and the members of the Order of the Phoenix – knew or believed Voldemort had returned, allowing him a gratis hand in his schemes against both the Ministry, the Society and, most importantly, Harry Potter.

Afterwards engineering a plot to secure the break-out of some of the Death Eaters from Azkaban, Voldemort embarked on a scheme to retrieve the total tape of Trelawney's prophecy regarding Harry and Voldemort, stored in the Ministry building'south Department of Mysteries. Voldemort, not wishing to reveal himself to the Ministry building when they so fervently denied his existence, sent a grouping of Death Eaters to retrieve the prophecy, rather than risk going himself. The plot failed, and the simply attainable copy of the prophecy was destroyed. All only one of the Death Eaters sent to retrieve information technology cruel into the easily of the Club of the Phoenix after a battle inside the Ministry building. There was a wizarding duel between Dumbledore and Voldemort, who had come upon hearing the cries of Bellatrix Lestrange, until finally Voldemort was able to escape, taking Bellatrix with him. However, he was seen by the Government minister of Magic, who finally accepted that Voldemort was dorsum. This led to a render of the earlier fear and suspicion amid the wizarding community, which was fuelled by Voldemort's continuing attacks and schemes as he regained strength.

Voldemort's side by side step was to engineer an attack on Hogwarts, and Dumbledore himself. This was accomplished by Draco Malfoy, who managed to adjust transportation into Hogwarts by means of a pair of Vanishing Cabinets, which bypassed the all-encompassing protective enchantments placed around the schoolhouse. The cabinets allowed Voldemort's Death Eaters to enter Hogwarts, yet it was Severus Snape who used the Killing Curse confronting Dumbledore when Draco was unable to do and then himself. With Dumbledore dead, the scales of battle seem to take tipped in Voldemort's favour, with Harry now out to avenge the deaths of his parents, his godfather Sirius and finally his mentor Dumbledore.


Personality and traits

Voldemort is described as having very stake pare, a chalk-white, skull-similar face, snake-like slits for nostrils, ruddy optics and cat-like slits for pupils, a skeletally thin body and long, thin hands with unnaturally long fingers. Earlier in life, Voldemort was described as very handsome. The transformation into his monstrous country is believed to have been acquired by practising extremely advanced Dark magic, for example in creating Horcruxes to separate his soul, and as a result of his downfall.

Voldemort, like most Nighttime-leaning wizards descending from pure-blood wizarding families, hated Muggles and non-pure-claret wizards and witches, known derisively as " Mudbloods". Nevertheless, his actions towards other Pureblood families during his periods of power (east.thousand. the Prewetts), and his credence of wizards such every bit the halfblooded Severus Snape in positions of authorisation, suggests that his beliefs are more complex than those of his followers. Riddle ultimately changed his name, by way of an anagram, from "Tom Marvolo Riddle" to "I am Lord Voldemort", as a fashion of removing his own heritage and of exalting himself, and he killed the Riddle family, partly because they were Muggles, and partly because they abandoned him and his mother.

Voldemort's knowledge of magic is possibly more extensive than whatever magician alive, though in his big-headed belief in his own superiority, he has a tendency to forget seemingly unimportant details from the past, which has led to his undoing on several occasions. In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, he states that he had forgotten well-nigh the ancient magic which protected Harry as his mother died to save him, the magic Voldemort cannot sympathise because he has no concept of love. In particular, his apply of Harry's blood to resurrect himself seems to involve such a particular, something that is conjectured to play a vital function in Book vii. (J.Chiliad. Rowling describes a "gleam of triumph" in Dumbledore's eyes when Harry describes to him how Voldemort used his blood in Goblet of Burn down, and while trying to capture a Horcrux in "The One-half Blood Prince" Dumbledore states that Harry'due south claret was worth much more than than his own.)

After much speculation, J.K. Rowling, author of Harry Potter, revealed that Voldemort's greatest fear is " ignominious death," and that his boggart would be his own corpse. What Voldemort desires nigh is to be all-powerful and to live forever – which is what he would see if he were e'er to look in the Mirror of Erised. Dumbledore also stated in Harry Potter and the Half-Claret Prince that Voldemort secretly possesses extreme cases of both necrophobia and nyctophobia. However, "it is the unknown we fright when we look upon death and darkness, zilch more." HBP Ch.26 He also fails to sympathize that at that place are other means to destroy a homo than death.

In terms of personal ability, he is a suave, cunning and (relatively) patient strategist. Additionally, Voldemort's other plots shown in the serial are highly intricate and byzantine (about to the point of convolution) and display of a high degree of patience. These include the plot during Harry's fourth year, which enabled Voldemort to get around the (fan-surmised) strictures against unauthorised Portkeys on the Hogwarts grounds, and the plot during Harry's fifth year to obtain the prophecy, which failed but in its conclusion.

Voldemort's complete lack of care towards humanity, with particular emphasis on relationships, is at the core of his personality. He is nearly incapable of any type of love or mutual respect, caring only for power and considering no-one to exist his equal. This probably derives from his upbringing.

It is difficult to know how much "nature" rather than "nurture" contributed to Voldemort's personality. His maternal ancestors, the Gaunt family unit, were described by Dumbledore equally having "a vein of instability and violence which flourished through the ages" HBP Ch.10 through inbreeding. His paternal forebears, the Riddles, were noted in passing in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire every bit existence disliked in their home hamlet of Niggling Hangleton for their arrogance and snobbery. However, Rowling once claimed that Voldemort's motives and actions were his ain and chosen; this would not exist the case if he were simply doomed past his family unit.

Magic and skill

Voldemort is a Parselmouth; something he inherited from Slytherin (it seems that well-nigh of his Gaunt ancestors accept inherited this highly unusual trait: such traits are ordinarily passed downwardly through families through inbreeding, a practice employed by the Gaunt Family) and passed on to Harry Potter through the backfired curse that forged a lifelong connection between them. He is also known as ane of, if not the greatest, Legilimens in the world and a highly accomplished Occlumens - being able to read minds, as well as shield his ain from penetration.

He is attributed equally existence ane of few wizards e'er able to create and comprehend Horcruxes (not only that, he is believed to exist the first magician in history to ever succeed in creating more than one Horcrux) to such an extent that he attempts to gain immortality through them. This is similar to those used by fantasy creatures known as liches, although the liches' phylacteries require neither the user to "divide" his/her soul, nor does information technology require a portion of said practitioner's soul to remain in his/her torso.

Voldemort's magic wand is fabricated from yew, a wood associated with decease and rebirth, has innate destructive workings and is well suited for use in transfiguration. It is 13½ inches long, has the plume of a phoenix at its core. The wand's maker, Mr Ollivander, got this feather from Dumbledore's pet Phoenix, Fawkes. Fawkes gave just ane other feather to be used in a wand, and ironically this wand "chose" to belong to Harry. Because the 2 wands have a core coming from the same source, they tend to work improperly when used against each other. If they are forced into boxing, a Priori Incantatem or "opposite-spell" issue occurs, where i wand forces the other to regurgitate echoes of previous spells it has bandage, in reverse chronological order. All of this plays an important office in Harry'southward escape from Voldemort at the finish of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Information technology is unknown how Voldemort recovered his wand between his downfall and his discovery by Wormtail.

The wand connectedness is withal another symbolic connection between Harry and Voldemort; their minds are likewise connected: in The Goblet of Burn down Harry beginning discovered that he could access Voldemort's thoughts and emotions, and from and then on whenever Voldemort was extremely angry, happy or in hurting, Harry's scar would burn down painfully. Similarly, Voldemort also discovered their connection in The Order of the Phoenix and used it to lure Harry into the Section of Mysteries to recover Sybill Trelawney's prophecy. Information technology seems that, in many means, Harry'southward and Voldemort's lives are tied to each other's.

Voldemort'southward duelling skills are formidable, conjuring spells, counter-spells and Apparating/Disapparating in a matter of seconds. Information technology is widely believed his skills are matched only by Albus Dumbledore. Dumbledore fifty-fifty stated that his most complex spells would exist useless if Voldemort came dorsum to power, although this may be attributed, according to Minerva McGonagall, that Dumbledore is "likewise noble" to employ these powers.

Representation in film

Characters seem more comfy hearing Voldemort's name in the films than in the books. Hermione speaks his name 3 and a half years before she does in canon in Harry Potter and the Philosopher'due south Stone, and just Hagrid flinches at the sound of the proper noun, early on in the start pic.

In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Rock he is simply a face on the back of Quirrell's head. This was achieved by computer generated imagery voiced past Richard Bremmer. In that film, he was also shown in a flashback sequence when he arrived at the dwelling of James and Lily Potter to kill them. In this scene Voldemort is played by Ian Hart, the actor who played Professor Quirrell in the same moving-picture show. Equally Voldemort'south face was not shown in the flashback, there was no confusion past Hart's playing of the two roles. Voldemort's appearance is likewise slightly different than described in the book; he is shown with ruby eyes with normal pupils and an nearly normal looking nose.

Voldemort does non announced in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, volume or film.

In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, which is the first time Voldemort is seen in his bodily physical course, he is played by Ralph Fiennes. Voldemort is shown robed in dark black robes, tall and skeletal, with no hair and yellowish teeth; his wand has a white tone and the handle appears to be made of bone; his finger nails are long and stake blueish while his toe nails announced to exist infected. Unlike in the book, his pupils are not snake-like and his eyes are blue (producer David Heyman felt that his evil would not exist able to be seen and would not fill the audience with fearfulness), but he has no nose, and ophidian-like slits for nostrils; "If y'all leave a good chunk off of homo, it would seem less scary", said managing director Mike Newell. He is too a lot more than energetic in the picture show, than he is depicted in the book, and he has unpredictable, wild mood swings. Fiennes' performance was generally praised as terrifying and the highlight of the moving picture. He has said that he will reprise his role equally Voldemort in the upcoming Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

Resurrected Lord Voldemort does not make an appearance in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and pre-production has nonetheless to begin on 2008's film adaptation.

Family tree

Salazar Slytherin
Thomas Riddle Mary Riddle Marvolo Gaunt
Tom Riddle Sr Merope Gaunt Morfin Gaunt
Tom Marvolo Riddle
(Lord Voldemort)

Name and anagram

Voldemort's given name was Tom Marvolo Riddle. In the 2d book he explains that the appellation "Lord Voldemort" is derived from an anagram of his name:


This is as well a play on words, equally his name, Tom Marvolo Riddle, is also itself a riddle.

Similar a number of other names in the Harry Potter novels, "Voldemort" seems to accept French origins. Indeed, Vol de mort tin mean, rather appropriately, either "flying of decease" or "theft of death". The word de can also translate as "from", giving "flying from death". Given Voldemort's fear of death and quest for immortality, this significant is also advisable.

J.K. Rowling personally uses a French pronunciation for his name, i.e. [ˈvɒldəmɔː]) (with a silent t).

Alternatively, Voldemort may likewise exist a grade of Valdemar, a Germanic form of Slavic Vladimir, significant "Great ruler" or "Ruling with fame". Valdemar is also the proper name of the main character in Edgar Allan Poe'southward short story The Facts in the Instance of M. Valdemar, about a man equally desperate to avoid expiry who elects to enter a hypnotically-induced coma in social club to extend his life. "Voldemort" too sounds a bit similar to the German discussion der Völkermord (the German discussion for " genocide"), and to Vortigern, an evil ruler in Arthurian legend.

The merely characters in the Harry Potter books who pronounce Voldemort'southward name regularly are Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore, Sirius Blackness, Remus Lupin, Mad-Eye Moody, Lord Voldemort himself and Hermione Granger (starting in Book 5). Ginny Weasley said his name at the end of Harry Potter and the Half-Claret Prince, but information technology is not known if she will continue to practise and then.

In translated versions of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Voldemort'due south original proper name is changed to suit the anagram. In the Smooth edition, still, translator Andrzej Polkowski decided non to make any changes, presumably because of the difficulty of translating the anagram into a meaningful sentence. In the Portuguese edition (as distinct from the Brazilian edition), the proper noun was similarly left untranslated.

Language True Proper name Anagram Translations/notes
Danish ROMEO G DETLEV JR JEG ER VOLDEMORT I am Voldemort; The M. is short for Gåde, i.e. "Riddle"
Dutch MARTEN ASMODOM VILIJN MIJN NAAM IS VOLDEMORT My proper noun is Voldemort; "Vilijn" (Voldemort's last name) and the Dutch word "Vilein" are equally pronounced, while the give-and-take "Vilein" means "evil" or "mean". Information technology resembles the English word villain.
Finnish TOM LOMEN VALEDRO MA OLEN VOLDEMORT I am Voldemort; "Ma" is an archaic form of "Minä" meaning "I" or "me". Too, "Valedro" begins with "vale" which equals to "prevarication" - or, "riddle".
French TOM ELVIS JEDUSOR JE SUIS VOLDEMORT I am Voldemort; "Jedusor" is pronounced the same fashion every bit "Jeu du sort", stroke of fate.
Greek ANTON MORVOL HERT ARCHON VOLDEMORT Lord Voldemort: "NT" in Greek is equivalent to "D"
Hebrew TOM VANDROLO RIDDLE ANI LORD VOLDEMORT I am Lord Voldemort: the word lord is transliterated from the English and not translated.
Hebrew spelling טום ואנדרולו רידל אני לורד וולדמורט
Hungarian TOM ROWLE DENEM NEVEM VOLDEMORT My name is Voldemort: The W is split to form two Vs in order to brand the anagram possible
Italian TOM ORVOLOSON RIDDLE SON IO LORD VOLDEMORT Lord Voldemort is me (a slightly archaic style)
Мacedonian ТОМ РЕДЛОВ




Red from Redlov means order
Portuguese (Brazilian) TOM SERVOLO RIDDLE EIS LORD VOLDEMORT Behold Lord Voldemort
Slovenian MARK NEELSTIN MRLAKENSTEIN In this case, the name was changed to sound similar Frankenstein, while Mrlak should accept an innuendo to death
Swedish TOM GUS MERVOLO DOLDER EGO SUM LORD VOLDEMORT I am Lord Voldemort, in latin. "Dolder" is drawn from a somewhat primitive name for "someone hidden"
Ukrainian TOM YARVOLOD REDL YA LORD VOLDEMORT I am Lord Voldemort (the '-volod' function of the name may be connected to the name Volodimir, where 'volod' equates to ruler).

Why Did the Connection Between Voldemort and Harry Open Again
